Straws. They’re on everyone’s mind these days. With phade®, we stopped thinking and took action, creating a new straw made with marine biodegradable PHA. Individually wrapped for safe serving.
It’s short for polyhydroxyalkanoate, an earth- and eco-friendly material derived from canola oil. Naturally, this hard-working straw is marine biodegradable, and even home and industrial compostable.
phade® straws are the first of their kind in the U.S., and they answer the call for a product that performs as expected with substantially less environmental impact.
Foodservice can be complicated, but your straw choice doesn’t have to be. Try phade® today to complement your takeout and delivery service the smart way.
Orders placed in California, Washington and Maryland will receive phade products packaged as home and industrial compostable in compliance with applicable laws in those states; information provided about this item does not constitute an offer to sell product labelled/packaged as marine biodegradable in California, Washington or Maryland.